Whilst working on projects I have often wanted to make a log of some my experiences as I journey through the software space. This blog is my attempt at documenting my thoughts and experiences.
Web3 Development - BlockChange
Building and deploying my first full-stack web3 application to the Sepolia testnet (Ethereum). Blockchange is a distributed crowdfunding platform for humanitarian causes.
Bayesian Optimisation with Python
Optimising expensive-to-calculate black box functions with Bayesian Optimisation helps to speed up the process.
Connect Google Colab to Google Drive
Reading and writing files to Google Drive storage from within a Google Colab notebook.
What is Bash?
Bash is an important tool for any aspiring developer, but what is it and what are some useful commands to know.
SSL Certificates on macOS
Fixing the [SSL: CERTIFICATE VERIFY FAILED] bug when downloading images with the deep learning course.
Heroku: Free Dynos Shutdown
Heroku has decided to remove their free tier, what is a good alternative and how similar is the process of deploying an app.
Static Blog with Markdown
How to generate static html blog pages using Next.js and Markdown files.